Caissa 2/2016 The following list gives you an overview of the topics of the second issue of Caissa. Furthermore we provide three extracts of articles here. Until the publishing of the second issue we may provide more previews here. In the new section Downloads we provide notations for the games of the Mongredien-Price. Dr. Robert Hübner: Der Mongredien-Preis beim Kongress der British Chess Association 1868-1869 Dr. Adrian Harvey: Finding a Place for Chess in the Recreational World of Nineteenth Century Britain (Extract – pdf 650 KB) Rainer Schmidt: Die Geschichte der chinesischen Schachidee Dr. Arie van der Stoep: Medieval Chess and Draughts Prof. Bernd-Peter Lange: Ein kläglicher Scherz? Die Schachpartie in Samuel Becketts Roman Murphy (Extract – pdf 685 KB) Siegfried Schönle: Schach und Tarnschriften … Streng Geheim!! Konspirativ!! Lebensgefährlich!! Antonella Ziewacz: „Oh welche Lust Soldat zu sein!“ Das verklärte Soldatenbild in Brettspielen der späten 1930-er (Extract – pdf 718 KB) Dr. Timothy Harding: Getting Things Right Tagungsberichte (Board Games Studies Association Nürnberg, Chess Collectors International Paris, „Games of Empires“ Saarbrücken) Rezension: Manuel Aaron/Vijay D. Pandit: „Indian Chess History“ Order Caissa 2/2016 online in the Web-Shop of Chaturanga.